The Owner Of One Of NYC's Top Restaurants Bans "Abusive Bully" James Corden For Life — "A Tiny Cretin of a Man"

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DAILY MAILJames Corden has been banned by fiery New York restaurateur Keith McNally for being 'extremely nasty' to his staff.

McNally posted two seperate examples of Corden's behavior at the French brasserie in New York's Soho, as well as claiming he treated staff badly at Cafe Luxembourg.

Balthazar is a swanky French bistro in Soho, one of those New York brunch staples that has duck liver mousse with poached rhubarb and $27 bread baskets and calls their eggs œufs. I have, of course, been there many times. The food is delicious and so aggressively overpriced as to be personally offensive. It's the kind of place that makes you do math in your head after getting the check — not to calculate the tip, but to figure out what kind of basic life necessities you'll need to cut out over the next week to make it to payday. Because of this, it's a great place to sight celebrities, the only people who can afford the meal. 

New York Daily News Archive. Getty Images.

Balthazar is owned by a celebrity in his own right: Keith McNally, a Brit who the New York Times has called "The Restaurateur Who Invented Downtown." Wildly successful in the food world — Balthazar, Cafe Luxembourg, Pastis, Minetta Tavern, Morandi, Augustine, Cherche Midi, Lucky Strike, and the Odeon are just some of his restaurants  — McNally has scuffed up his brand a bit lately, voicing his very passionate support for both Woody Allen and Jeffrey Epstein's partner in crime Ghislaine Maxwell on social media. (While the American legal system doesn't operate on guilt-by-association or utilize a "Precrime" unit yet, based on the pattern of activities he is most vocal in defending, it might be in the public interest to at least keep an eye on him in the meantime.) Potential personal ethics aside, he's undoubtedly a restaurant God, and is currently working on a memoir while looking to expand his empire and bring his $22 soups to Philly, Miami, and DC.

He is also the proud haver of a vasectomy. 

Not something I would normally include in a brief bio but something he wants you to know. He posts about it, like, a lot. 

Speaking of dicks, James Corden is one of McNally's most loyal customers — or was, I should say: a weekend trip to Balthazar with his wife has earned him a permanent spot on the Restaurant King's bad side. 

McNally took to Instagram and, after calling Corden an "extremely nasty…bully" and "tiny cretin of a man" who was "the most abusive customer to my Balthazar servers since the restaurant opened 25 years ago," issued him the worst numbers any fat guy could ever see outside of a digital scale reading: 86 (restaurant lingo for you're banned).

The Late Late Show host is accused of sending back an egg yolk omelet for his wife after it was made with a 'little bit' of egg white.

He demanded free drinks from a Balthazar server after finding a hair in his meal, threatening to leave a 'nasty' review on Yelp.

Of all the things Keith McNally has said lately, I'm not sure he'll ever recover from "James Corden is a hugely gifted comedian." 

Nor do I know if James Corden will, recover that is;  I don't know if an 86 is permanent, or what Corden could ever do to be forgiven and get back on McNally's good side.  If his social media is any indication of what it takes to earn his respect, it may not be until allegations of sexually abusing a child before you see Corden enjoying 17 stacks of $24 pancakes at a McNally-owned establishment again. 

PS —

People don't forget.

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